15 - Day 3
Fashioned through
the living Word of God
through Christ into an audible Word of God
the midst of an inflation of words where people have forgotten how to listen,
we must so live today that one can read from our life alone what Jesus
was and intended without words.“ This is the basic focus of the Focolare
Movement of which we have already spoken.
Do not only speak about God, but become the Word of God for people who
know nothing about God. That's what it's all about.
John 1:14 ("The word became flesh")
your gaze rest upon Jesus - God's word became flesh - linger in looking
and let yourself be drawn into this mystery: to become word ...
- Life meditation
back over your life with its different stretches of road. Which word
of the Bible have you sought to realize or to become embodied in you during
a particular stretch of the road?... (Hans Urs v. Balthasar states that
it is the task of the "saints", the great "lovers" in the history of the
Church to make visible a word of Jesus with their life, displaying it bodily.)