At the end of World War II unreplaceable treasures lay in ruins in Italy. What remaining value might have survived all the destruction? With this question a new awareness began to grow in some young people. "Where there is love there is God" Where Christians encounter each other in true love, there Christ is present in a way that can almost be called "sacramental". Thus arose the "Focolare" movement which in a few decades spread to all parts of the world . "Where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them" (Matt. 18:20), said Jesus, and thereby, made mutual love between Christians a true spiritual symbol.
Symbolic meditation:Meditate on a genuinely affectionate relationship from your life and its aspects as a spiritual symbol (see "the essence of the spiritual symbol"):
- - A symbol encompasses my deepest longing that God desires to fulfill...
- - A symbol mediates a true portion of that to which it refers...
- - A symbol points beyond to something that transcends itself ...
- - When a symbol abandons its symbolic character and establishes itself as absolute, it is always in danger of becoming a demonic caricature ...
- - A symbol makes me aware that without its mediation my image of God would remain bloodless and abstract...
- Meditate on the Rublev Icon, "Trinity"), on the mystery that it is the relationship to God's very self that gives love and on the thought that all genuine human love is a reflection of that love.
- - John 17:20-22 ("That they may all be one")
- - Matthew 18:20 ("There I am in the midst of them")
O God, come to my aid, Lord, come quickly to help me,Lord Jesus Christ, you who wish to encounter me in my brother or sister, open the eyes of my heart to your presence.
- 1. that today I may encounter a person (s), that Christ can encounter through me
- 2. that today I may encounter a person (s) that Christ can encounter me through the other(s)
- 3. that I endeavor during our conversation to listen with my heart and speak truthfully...
- 4. that during our conversation I keep myself open to experiencing the reality of Jesus Christ in our midst... .
- 5. that in a difference of opinion I ask only for your will without allowing myself to be influenced by sympathy or empathy, by defiance or passion...
Lord Jesus Christ, help me,Glory be to the Father [Mother]...(or another closing of your choice)
- 1. to believe that you want to speak to me through this person...
- 2. to wait openly if the other has an important word to say to me from you...
- 3. to accept gratefully that you have called us together as members of your body...