[contents week 12]

WEEK 12 - Day 3
The Holy Spirit of God allows prayer
to arise in our heart

The place of prayer is neither reason nor feelings but the "heart".  In the heart of the baptized the Holy Spirit wants to pray calling, "Abba, Father": (Romans 8:15; Gal. 4:6).  But we have often blocked this source.  It appears dried up.  Only a living heart of "flesh" and not a "stony" dead heart can fulfill the task of being the source of prayer in us.  When this source is freed up, "prayer is not difficult.  Prayer has been given to us for a long time".  So wrote André Louf overwhelmed by the spirit of God who prays in us.  No prayer method can achieve anything other than  rediscovery, reawakening and setting free what is already hidden in the praying heart.  Methods for meditation provide important inner preparation for many people, but nothing more.  When prayer takes possession of one it develops its own method.  It becomes like a spring in us  continually irrigating our entire life and allowing it to become fruitful.

- John 4:6-14 ("The water that I shall give everyone will become in them a spring of water   welling up")

Prayer of simplicity
Try to feel the hidden spring of prayer in your heart and ponder letting the "water" flow into you until it flows out from you...

Romans 8:26; 14-16 and Galatians 4:6 ("Abba, Father")

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