12 - Day 2
The Holy Spirit
unites our hearts
with the strength
of the Word
the Bible "heart" is the center of a person, the place of love, but it
is also the place of joy and suffering.
Louf (p.48) speaks of this. Jesus, the "Word of the Father",
was "planted into" our hearts at the time of our baptism. It
is the same spirit that stirs us in the Word of God and so moves our heart
to receive the Word. When our heart is cleansed more and more through
the Spirit of God - that is important - then new sounds resonate in the
heart when it encounters the Word of God. "When God's Word addresses
our heart, both the heart and the Spirit of God recognize each other immediately
enabled by the common Spirit that lives in them." So the heart understands
that it has been given a new organ, so to speak, with which to understand
the Word in new ways and live from it. The Word opens the heart more
deeply and becomes "food" (Jer. 15:16) for it more and more, a source of
power and grace.
Matthew 13:1-8 (Four types of soil)
See yourself
symbolically as a type of soil. Which soil is like your heart?...
Pray for
a heart that is like rich soil - persistent, eager and full of trust...
with the body
36:26 f. (The heart of stone and the heart of flesh)
a stone, about the size of your palm, in your right hand (left hand for
the left handed) and feel the contrast in your hand: hard - soft - cold
- warm - dead -living etc. ...
Hold the
stone in your hand, but now direct your attention to the connection that
exists between the word of God and your heart. What conversation
might take place here? ...Where has something become hardened ...Is there
something in this relationship that has become more alive which beforehand
was dead, so to speak, or has something become like stone which before
had "inflamed" your heart?...
Seek the
place in yourself from which the quality of this relationship originates
- your "heart" . . how do you feel about this area in you on a scale
between feeling "dead" to feeling "alive"?
Turn your
attention again to the stone in your hand and experience how the sensation
has changed after first receiving it ...
Open your
"heart" to the living fullness of God - pray that God's life might flow
into your heart...and that God might change your stony heart into a living
heart of flesh... and linger in such prayer...
suggestion is well suited for a group meditation. The facilitator must
have prepared clean stones beforehand to offer the participants.
Moreover, the areas we investigate in ourselves that are like "stone" can
vary: our body, where have we become hardened?, our personal relationships
how alive are they? and similar things
of simplicity
in me a clean heart, O, God" (a new heart)...