[contents week 5]

WEEK 5 - Day 2
God’s love claims as partner and friend

We could entitle the meditation for this week: "God, you are great - I am small."  A pastor once spoke these words to a young person with the suggestion that this sentence be prayed for five minutes daily.  An inner change took place in the youth.  God's greatness would overwhelm us were it not for the fact that God has unilaterally bestowed on us the power, might and greatness of God in order to live in "partnership", indeed in "friendship", with us.  That is the central thrust of the Bible which encounters us in the the Old and New Covenants.  God chose humankind so that a "covenant" would be made with God, the eternal one.  This covenant involves obligations on both sides.  God remains faithful to this covenant as the Bible testifies on all its pages.  This can come home to us and touch us more deeply when we look through all the passages in the Concordance which speak of God treating us as "friends"  .

- John 15:14 ff. ("You are my friends ")
- What hinders genuine friendship?...
- What promotes genuine friendship?...
- Apply what occurs to you concerning God's relationship to you and ponder this...

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