[contents week 10]

WEEK 10 - Day 2
Fullness of life fills our emptiness

In every person resides a longing that reaches deeper than one is personally aware.  However, we succumb again and again to the illusion that our longing can be satisfied with temporary values.  In the end when we still feel unfulfilled, we often fall into the error that we have not had enough of what we assumed would satisfy our longing.  Striving after more and more possessions originates precisely from this view of the human condition. We still remain empty and our yearning unsatisfied as long as fulfillment is sought on this level.  "Every fulfilled desire makes us poorer",  wrote a person we had to disappoint once.  That word remained with me a long time.  Here was a person who was free from the "demonic" power of greedy possessiveness.  Perhaps we also know the slogan which expresses similar wisdom: "To be rich depends not on how much you own, but how little you need".

These considerations provide background for meditation on the emptiness and poverty that Jesus addresses again and again and which provides the "archetype" supposition for being a disciple of Jesus.  Whoever is not prepared to become "empty" internally - and when God wills also externally - makes it impossible, to a certain extent, to let the abundance of God flow into them (here again we can only speak with images and symbols).

Whether this deals with external or internal poverty is not the critical difference.  The best way  is the way each person feels called .

- Mark 10:17-27 ("Go sell what you have" )
Try to apply this story to your life ( you will have to translate the account in terms of the "small change" of the everyday and listen for what God will say to you today from this story)... .

- Matthew 5:3 ("Blessed are the poor in spirit")

- Luke 9:58 ("The Son of man has nowhere to lay his head")

- Word meditation

„No vessel can hold two drinks.  If it is to hold wine, you must of necessity pour out the water.  The vessel must become empty and open.  Therefore, should you want to receive God and divine joy, you must of necessity pour out the creatures.“                                              (Meister Eckehart)

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