[contents week 5]

WEEK 5 - Day 4
God serves

The mystery of God's love will become ever deeper as we feel our way into it.  Words heard so frequently that we no longer can fathom their true meaning can become alive for us again.  God became human, not in order to be served, but to serve; God became a servant.  Paul says it even more vividly:  God takes the  form of a slave (Phil. 2:7).

- John 13:3-17 (Foot washing)
- Look in depth at these contrasting figures of Peter and Jesus and try to identify with  each, one after the other. . In this manner God comes to humankind - so God comes to me.

- Listen to the inner self.  How do we actually respond to the message of the way Jesus  encounters his own?...("never" or "not only, but also")?... .

- Ask yourself,  "What actually 'drives' Jesus to act in this way?". .   let verse 8b sink in  deeply... . The early theologians wrote, "God became human in order that we might participate in God"...

- Matt. 20: 25-28  ("Came to serve...")

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