[contents week 4]

WEEK 4 - Day 4
Sensing God's love in the sacred history of your life

The historical writings of the Old Testament (and the first historical writings of the human race in general) began when a believing Israelite meditated on the history of God's people long enough to discern the prophetic view in, with and under the history of God's dealings with the Chosen People.  He recognized that times of calamity were not excluded but included in God's plan of salvation, in the great design of God's love.  It was precisely in the unfortunate times that God continually sought to bring the House of Israel home again.  It was an understanding that made the reality hidden in the works of God transparent in everything that happened.

- Read Isaiah 41:8-14 or Isaiah 43: 1-7 ("You are mine")

- Baptism gives you the permission to interpret (see prophetic symbol) this word addressed to "God's  Servant", Isaiah, as a prophetic symbol that can shine forth in your life.

- Meditate on each verse, word by word, as the personal Word of God that seeks to address you in your present situation, in your uniqueness.

- Meditate on the mystery of your baptism...

On a sheet of transparent paper draw your "life's journey" showing its progression ("curves", "intersections"), its travel conditions ("slippery", "stony", "marshy", etc.), its occasional stretches of "bad weather" and its obstacles.  All of these can be interpreted as symbols.  (Do not be anxious if you think you cannot draw.  You need not show this to anyone.)

On a second sheet, using bright colors if possible, draw how God's way of salvation has unfolded in your life as far as you are able to recognize that at this point.

When the second sheet is completed place it under the first sheet and hold the sheets together up to a window or against a light.  It then becomes more visible how God has begun and will continue to direct you in the way of Salvation "in, with and under" yout life's journey...

Comment:  Each person can let their imagination flow freely. Perhaps some would prefer to draw their life in the form of a mathematical chart using different colors to depict the various conditions of each period of their life up until now.

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